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Gdansk 2023

First Call

Undoubtedly, sustainability and socially responsible development – addressing economic, social, and environmental challenges simultaneously and interdependently – are increasingly important issues in global research, and sustainability science has emerged as a critical tool in advancing knowledge and increasing the realization of a sustainable society. Although much has been written on the subject, there are still white spaces that need to be filled with groundbreaking research. Therefore, we would like to encourage a cross-cutting and interdisciplinary discussion of the challenges and conditions for sustainable and socially responsible development (individual, group, organization, region, economy, world, etc.) in the network of socio-economic relations. Conceptual, methodological, and research papers using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed approaches are welcome. Since sustainability issues are context-dependent, submitted papers should make a significant contribution to understanding the role of networks of socio-economic relations in the context of:

  • sustainable tourism,
  • sustainable or resilient business/organization,
  • sustainable value chains/logistics,
  • sustainable cities and societies,
  • education for sustainability/sustainability and sustainable HRM,
  • circular/sustainable economy.

  28-30 September, 2023


We also invite papers that would develop indicators and measures of sustainable and socially responsible action in the network of socio-economic relations in various contexts, as well as other closely related topics. The focus on the network of socioeconomic relations in this conference stems from the fact that sustainable and socially responsible development is also socially mediated and requires cooperation among different stakeholder groups, as well as an effective governance system.


Track 1: Sustainable Tourism

Track Chair: Professor WSB Merito University Jacek Borzyszkowski

Sustainable tourism is part of the concept of sustainable development, and its basic assumptions are related to reducing the negative impact of tourism on the environment and local culture. It considers the needs of both the residents of a destination and tourists. Our goal is to solicit articles addressing contemporary and significant issues of tourism and its sustainability, both globally, regionally, and locally, including but not limited to the relationship between tourism and the environment and local community; forms of sustainable tourism; best practices for implementing sustainable tourism; overtourism; sustainable tourism in the post-pandemic period.

Track 2. Sustainable or Resilient Business/Organization

Track Chair: Professor Bogdan Nogalski

The dynamically changing world economy in the so-called new normal creates new needs both in theoretical models of management and practical considerations related to the perception of the business. This is particularly important in the current economic crisis caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the effects of which are already visible in most developed countries, including Poland. It is important to find and/or use existing management paradigms, the study and codification of which will provide a platform for business development and growth in the convention of sustainable or crisis-resilient business. In this approach, it becomes most important to find such a balance or state of resilience that will ensure the company’s survival in the market while achieving business efficiency that guarantees the construction of its long-term value. The issue requires extended research and scientific consideration.

Track 3. Sustainable Value Chains/Logistics

Track Chair: Professor WSB Merito University Ryszard Miler

Taking into account, on the one hand, the progressive warming and climate change and their effects, on the other hand, the need to maintain the sustainable operational readiness of logistics supply chains for the challenges of a VUCA world, it is highly advisable to implement solutions that can reduce anthropopressure. EU directives (e.g., fit for 55) indicate the goal of reducing CO2 emissions, which could eventually lead to zero emissions by 2050. This identifies a cognitive gap – the lack of standards and references for methods implemented to reduce emissions in logistics processes in the broadest sense. Therefore, papers within this track should look for scientific solutions for achieving a high level of competitiveness in an economy based on innovative, green logistic operations.

Track 4. Sustainable Cities and Societies

Track Chair: Professor WSB Merito University Jagienka Rzesny-Cieplinska

Cities are engines of economic growth and contribute significantly to global GDP, but also to global greenhouse gas emissions. Urban development has brought a series of imbalances. It makes city governments responsible for implementing transformation strategies to meet the challenges
of increasing urbanization, demographic changes,
and new environmental requirements. It is therefore crucial to plan and manage the expansion of cities
by promoting economic growth and competitiveness while maintaining social cohesion and environmental sustainability. Urban development can be sustainable and can generate inclusive prosperity. Deep inequalities among urban areas around the world underscore the importance of research on sustainable urban development. Strengthening the preparedness and resilience of cities is key to responding to future crises.

Track 5. Education for Sustainable Development/Sustainability and Sustainable HRM

Track Chair: Professor Malgorzata Rozkwitalska

The education sector and human capital are crucial
in the transition to sustainable organizations, societies, and economies. This track invites papers that examine and expand knowledge
on education, social learning, and unlearning
for sustainability, CSR in education and learning activities, cultural, social, and organizational changes in society and/or business in the context
of sustainability, green leadership, including green servant leadership, proactive employee development for sustainability, and knowledge management
in the context of sustainability.

Track 6. Circular/Sustainable Economy

Track Chair: Professor WSB Merito University Marcin Kalinowski

Track 7. Indicators and Metrics of Sustainable and Socially Responsible Performance

Track Chair: Professor WSB Merito University Jacek Jaworski

Sustainability performance plays a key role
in the strategies of modern companies. This means the implementation of new and diverse practices, mechanisms, and tools in the activities
of the enterprise. This process is one of the leading research problems of accounting. At the same time, the effectiveness of these tools is of interest
to corporate finance. We want to invite papers that critically review and develop theory, methodology, and practice in (i) the measurement of corporate sustainability and environmental practices and their disclosure in integrated reporting, (ii) management control and performance measurement
for sustainability, (iii) the role of the CFO and controller in measuring and evaluating sustainability.

Track 8. Other Related Topics

Track Chair: Professor Stanislaw Rudolf

The aforementioned thematic tracks do not exhaust the scope of sustainability in the broadest sense, hence the conference includes an additional track.
It should accommodate those papers that deal with sustainability but do not fit into the other tracks.,
e.g. sustainable (participatory) governance, sustainability-based business models, entrepreneurship ecosystems, green innovation, etc.


Type of participationEarly bird (before August 20, 2023)Regular (after August 20, 2023)

Publishing full paper/abstract + presentation275 EUR375 EUR
Listener only; 2nd paper
publishing/presenting; Ph.D. students
200 EUR300 EUR
Gala dinner for accompanying person50 EUR55 EUR
Optional full-day tour − payable to the tour operator60 EUR65 EUR
Optional 3-hour tour − payable to the tour operator10 EUR15 EUR

Publishing full paper/abstract + presentation200 EUR300 EUR
2nd paper publishing/presenting; Ph.D.
students; publishing full paper without
150 EUR250 EUR

Publication information to be announced, Publisher: WSB Merito University Gdansk


  • Information to be announced



  • Submission of abstracts for review: August 20, 2023
  • Submission of complete/full papers for the proceedings: September 10, 2023
  • Conference sessions: September 28-30, 2023

Both submissions containing only abstracts or abstracts and full papers will be accepted!


The tentative program for the conference is as follows:

Thursday, 9 a.m.-7 p.m., September 28, 2023

Conference Plenary Session

Track Sessions

Optional 3-hour Tour

Friday, 9 a.m.-11 p.m., Septmeber 29, 2023

Company Visits

Track Sessions/Meet Editors/Paper Development Session

Gala Dinner

Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., September 30, 2023

Optional Full-Day Tour


Mercure Gdansk Stare Miasto, Jana Heweliusza 22, 80-890 Gdansk, Poland


  • Co-Organizer:
  • Now indexed in:
    wos logo
  • econlit logo
  • proquest logo
  • Ebsco logo
  • Hein logo
  • econbiz logo
  • Gold Partner:
    inomics logo
  • Event Partner:
    Conference Monkey
  • Info
  • dcingula@esd-conference.com
  • +385 (0)92 172 7218
  • info@esd-conference.com

Economic and Social Development Conference is property of VADEA,
Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency