We are happy to anounce the First Call for the 14th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. Topics are focused, not limited to recent challenges for modern national economies and business enterprises as well as on social responsibility.
In cooperation with: University North and University John Naisbitt
13-14 May, 2016
Please consider submitting an abstract for the Conference within next four weeks. We proudly hope to have your distinguish name among authors and participants. After receiving the full texts, The Scientific Committee will decide which papers should be included in the Plenary Session.
Sincerely Yours,
President of Scientific Committee
Registration fee includes admission to all sessions, conference kit (including the Scientific Book of Proceedings on CD with Book of Abstracts in hard copy) and admission to the lunch or dinner and all coffee brakes according to the program.
is available: download
Economic and Social Development Conference is property of VADEA,
Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency